International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (ICoNAIS)
November 10th 13th, 2022
“Facing Global Crisis and Democracy’s Future;
problems, challenges, and resolutions”.
A. Introduction
After the pandemic of Covid 19, mostly Economic and Political systems of many countries are changing. Some scientists stated this phenomenon is a globalization backlash, and some questioned democracy’s future. Based on this issue UIN Raden Intan Lampung held an International Conference on Advanced Multidisciplinary Studies (IConAIS) 2022. The related theme is “Facing Global Crisis and Democracy’s Future; problems, challenges, and resolutions”. The purpose of this international conference is to invite researchers, academicians, educators, practitioners, government officials, and consultants to attend and share their insights, perspectives, and research results of contemporary changes and development in Political, Social, and religious studies, especially from Islamic Perspectives. The participant of IConAIS 2022 is welcome to attend the international conference and submit papers on the topic indicated in the sub-themes section below. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the conference based on quality, relevance, and originality.
B. Time and Place
The conference will be held hybrid; virtually via an online meeting platform and offline which participants could attend directly. The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (IConAIS) 2022 will be held for three days: November 10-13, 2022. The places would be in Novotel Hotel, Bandar Lampung City
C. Theme and Sub-theme
The theme of this premier International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (IConAIS) is: “Facing Global Crisis and Democracy’s Future; problems, challenges, and resolutions”, and will cover a range of sub-themes includes: 1. Passthrough Globalization and going to Political Economic Localism 2. Islamic Populism from a Political Economy Perspective 3. Islam and Society based on Cultural Politics, Religious, and Sociology Perspective 4. The Role and Challenges of Religion to Global Humanitarian Problems 5. Consolidating Regional Nationalism on Globa5lization Backlash
D. Keynote speech
1. Keynote speech: parallel session The agenda of the conference will organize six inspiring speakers from 3 well-known nationaland international organizations and institutions, who will share their ideas on the following issues:
13.00 – 14.00 pm | PARALLEL SESSION 1: KEYNOTE: 2 – 3 13.00 – 13.45 pm *Islam and Society based on Cultural Politics, Religious,and Sociology Perspectives. 16.00 – 16.30 pm Dr. Haji Adanan bin Haji Basar (Ra’es Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan,Brunei Darussalam) 13.45 – 14.45 am Prof. Dr. Bangcola Ali Panda (Dean of King’s Saud College, Mindanao State University, Philippines) 14.45 – 15.30 am Question and answer | Hendry Irwansyah, M.A. |
15.30 – 16.00 pm | Break | |
16.00 – 18.00 pm | *Consolidating Regional Nationalism and Globalization Backlash. 16.00 – 16.30 pm 1.Prof. Dr. Lloyd d Bautista, D.P.A., Ph.D | Dr. Iskandar Syukur, M.A., Ph.D. |
(President of Philippine Public Safety College, Philippines) 16.30 – 16.45 am 2. Prof. Dr. Khadijah Hambali (Deputy Director of Center Civilizational Dialogue, University of Malay, Malaysia) 16.45 – 17.45 pm Question and Answer | ||
18.00 – 20.00 pm | Break | |
20.00 – 21.30 pm | Paper Presentation Session 1 ROOM A and B: Consolidating Regional Nationalism and the Globalization Backlash ROOM C: Islam and Society from Cultural Politics, Religious, and Sociological Perspective | ROOM A: Erik Gumiri, M.H. ROOM B: Dr. Erike Anggraeni, D.P.A ROOM C: Annisa Fitriani, MA. |
Day 2: Friday, November 18th, 2022
Schedule | Friday, November 18th, 2022 | Resource Person |
08.00 – 11.30 am | PARALLEL SESSION 2: KEYNOTE 3 – 4 | |
*Religions and the Future of World Civilization | ||
08.00 – 08.45 am | ||
1. Prof. H. Abdurrahman Mas’ud,. M.A., Ph.D. | ||
(Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo, Indonesia ) | ||
Bambang Budi Wiranto, M.Ag., M.A | ||
08.45 – 09.45 am | Ph.D. | |
2. Prof. Mike Hardy,. CMS,. OBE,. FRSA. | ||
(Coventry University, United Kingdom) | ||
Via Zoom Meeting | ||
09. 45 – 10.45 am | ||
Question and Answer |
11. 30 – 14.00 pm | Break | |
14.00 – 16.00 pm | PAPER PRESENTATION SESSION 3 Room A Passing through Globalization and Going to Political Economy Local ismIslamic Populism from Political Economy PerspectiveIslam and Society from Cultural Politics, Religious, and Sociological Perspective Room B Collective Action and Social Media on Democracy’s Changes Religions and the Future of World Civilization Room C Collective Action and Social Media on Democracy’s Changes Religions and the Future of World Civilization | |
16.00 – 16.30 pm | Break | |
16.30 – 18.00 pm | PAPER PRESENTATION SESSION 4 Room A Role and Challenges of Religions to Global Humanitarian Problems)Religions and the Future of World Civilization Room B Consolidating Regional Nationalism and the Globalization Backlash | ROOM A: Annisa Fitriani, M.A. ROOM B: Intan Islamia, M.Sc. ROOM C: Erik Gumiri, M.H. |
Room C: Passing through Globalization and Going to Political Economy LocalismIslamic Populism from Political Economy PerspectiveS | ||
21.30 – 22.00 pm | Paper Presentation Session 2 ROOM A: Islam and Society from Cultural Politics, Religious, and Sociological Perspectives ROOM B: Collective Action and Social Media on Democracy’s Changes) ROOM C: Religions and the Future of World Civilization | ROOM A: Annisa Fitriani, M.A. ROOM B: Anisa Mawarni, M.Pd.ROOM C: Erik Gumiri, M.H. |
Day 3: Saturday, November 19th, 2022
13.00 – 15.30 pm | PAPER PRESENTATION SESSION 5 Room A Role and Challenges of Religions to Global Humanitarian Problems)Religions and the Future of World Civilization Room B Collective Action and Social Media on Democracy’s ChangesReligions and the Future of World Civilization Room C Islam and Society from Cultural Politics, Religious, and Sociological Perspectives | ROOM A: Annisa Fitriani, M.A. ROOM B: Anisa Mawarni, M.Pd.ROOM C: Erik Gumiri, M.H. |
15. 30 – 16.00 pm | Break | |
16.00 – 18.00 | Paper Presentation Session 4 Room A Passing through Globalization and Going to Political Economy LocalismIslamic Populism from Political Economy Perspective Room B Consolidating Regional Nationalism and the Globalization Backlash ROOM C Collective Action and Social Media on Democracy’s Changes Religions and the Future of World Civilization | ROOM A: Annisa Fitriani, M.A. ROOM B: Dr. Muslimin, M.A. ROOM C: Erik Gumiri, M.H. |
18.00 – 20.00 pm | Break |
20. 00 – 21.30 pm | Paper Presentation Session 5 Room A Islam and Society from Cultural Politics, Religious, and Sociological Perspectives Room B Role and Challenges of Religions to Global Humanitarian Problems) Room C Religions and the Future of World Civilization | ROOM A: Annisa Fitriani, M.A. ROOM B: Anisa Mawarni, M.Pd. ROOM C: Erik Gumiri, M.H. |
E. Participants
Academicians, researchers, government officials, and students from Universities. 4
F. Procedure Call Full Paper
1. Abstract length must be between 250 words, times New Roman 12, 1 space.
2. Full paper length must be between 4 to 6 pages, including a reference list.
3. Paper size is A4 (two columns).
G. Important dates
Abstract Submission : July 27 – Oct 10. 2022
Notification of Acceptance : Oct 11 – 20. 2022
Full Paper Submission : Oct 21 – Nov 1. 2022
Conference : Nov 10-13. 2022
H. Indexing
The Conference proceedings citation index is Scopus or Web of Science
Assalamu alaikum warahmatulah wabarakatuh
Peace be upon you
Tabik Puun
His Excellency Rector of UIN Raden Intan Lampung
All the Vice-Rectors of UIN Raden Intan Lampung
All the Deans and the Vices Deans,
All of Honorable Speakers
And all of Beloved Participant
First, praise be to Allah, because of his mercy and bless we can continue our activities
as we get closer at the end of 2022. UIN Raden Intan Lampung, especially the Faculty
of Ushuluddin and Religious Studies, can still carry out an international seminar activity
“The First International Conference on Advance Mulitidiciplinary Science in Lampung
- It is said in wise words “The earth is like a garden, and every garden has its
own flower and on each flower there are different kinds of beetles. From that,
a good farmer not only hopes that there are no beetles that attack his plants.
But a good farmer is one who is always ready with all efforts so that the plants
grow healthy, provide benefits to all existing creatures. Likewise, our lives
today, the problems of life will always exist, along with the journey of life itself. - The global crisis that is currently being felt by all countries in Asia including
Southeast Asia as a result of the global giant disaster Covid 19 is part of the
problems we are facing right now. And it is not impossible that such problems
will continue to arise over time and changes in human lifestyles on earth.
Therefore, various efforts and strategic steps must be carried out by all parties,
especially state administrators, starting from the highest authorities to the
minor authorities at the regional level. Smart ideas and insightful solutions must
emerge from intellectuals and academics as part of jihad qolami wal ilmi which
should always adorn every room for discussion, seminars and conferences like
what we are currently doing. - According to Prof. Dr. Teodoro Lloydon C Bautista, the global crisis including
the democracy crisis that is currently hitting countries in Southeast Asia,
including the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, must be taken
more seriously by both political elites and those in power by prioritizing the
interests of the people rather than simply increasing family power, groups,
political parties and power oligarchs. The challenges faced have become more
difficult with the emergence of Covid-19 and are now even more severe with
the Russian military invasion of Ukraine in addition to the emergence of a new
Asian economic giant, namely Chinese hegemony. - On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Ali Bangcola Panda from Mindano University
highlighted the problem of leadership crisis in the midst of the Muslim
community which also covers almost all Muslim majority and minority countries
in the world, especially in Asia. According to him, Islamic processes and Islamic
modes within the framework of unifying the vision and mission of cooperation
between Islamic countries with the spirit of togetherness and the concept of
unified governance by ummah is one of the solutions offered. - His Excellency Prof. Dr. Abdurrahman Raden Aji Haqqi from the Islamic
University of Sultan Sharif Ali Brunai Darussalam invites us to swim in the sea
of divine values and decrees and prophetic sayings about how Islam provides
solutions to humanitarian problems starting from the smallest such as the
concept of alms, kaffarah, helping fellow human beings, helping people who
are in need and unable to reach a practical level of sulotives such as zakat and
endowments, qurban and many other forms of real charity from Islamic concern
for the humanitarian crisis that has existed to date. - The Honorable Prof. Dr. Chiraphan de-ma and Prof. Dr. Ibrahem
Narongraksakhet from Fatoni University Thailand observed that there is a role
for Islamic higher education institutions that must continue to think hard and
provide solutions to every problem faced by countries in Southeast Asia amidst
the issue of Islam phobia, political and economic crises. According to him, it is
time for us to integrate basic Islamic sciences with social sciences to bring back
(reincarnation) the figures of Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Khawarizmi, Ibn Hayyan in
today’s modern era. - The Honorable Prof. Dr. Khadijah Mohd. Khambali, Ph.D, Prof. Mohd. Zaidi
Daud Ph.D from Universiti Malaya Malaysia and Dr. Andi Tahir from UIN
Lampung also highlighted the issue of social crises in society which has always
been a hot topic of discourse on humanization and equal rights, living in
harmony, anti-racism, and upholding the spirit of human brotherhood, national
brotherhood, archipelagic brotherhood in order to create a conducive climate
for social harmony as a initial capital to face the current global crisis and world
economic recession. - The honorable Prof. Dr. Prof Dato’ Dr. Mohd Yakub Zulkifli bin Mohd Yusoff. His
speech is about contemporary tafsir. Contemporary tafsir is an attempt to
adapt the verses of the Qur’an to the demands of the times. While the Qur’an
tafsir is the science of understanding and interpreting Qur’an verses and its
contents that has utility as mubayyin. Mubayyin means explaining the meaning
and content of the Qur’an, especially about verses that cannot be understood. - In fact, there are still one hundred more papers that have been presented in
international seminars which we cannot summarize all of them here, in various
fields of social, political, economic and cultural studies at both the national and
international levels, from sources who are reliable and qualified. All of us have
poured out brilliant ideas and brilliant ideas in this international conference. We
hope that these great ideas will not only be able to be put down on presentation
paper but will be able to be engraved in the career records of our worldly works
and become good deeds in the hereafter.
10.Finally, allow me to quote a short dialogue series between a great scholar and
his student who asked “O teacher, why didn’t you write a book (sijal)? The
teacher replied: “sorry my job is not to write sijal (book) but I was assigned to
print rijal (great people) who can change the world….
We hope that all of us who attend this forum will become part of the rijalul ilmi
wal amal la rijalul qouli wal ngomeli….
My best regards
Member of Scientific Committees
Head of Scientific Committe: Andi Thahir, S.Psi.,M.A.,Ed.D
Secretray: Dr. Nadirsah Hawari, Lc.,M.A - Prof. Dr. Ahsanul Haque IIUM Malaysia : Professor in Political Science,
IIMMalaysia. - Prof. Dr. El Fatih Abdullahi Abdelsalam, : Senior Academic Fellow IIUM
Gombak Campus, Malaysia - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thanaporn Sriyakul : Mahanakorn University of Technology,
Thailand - Prof. Dr. Samanan Rattanasirivilai : Political Science Association of Kasetsart
University, Thailand - Ass. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Kamran : University of Loralai, Loralai,
Balochistan, Pakistan - Rasha Osman Abdel Haliem Osman : Helwan University, Egypt
- Mrs. Marwa mansor : NUN Okullari, Istanbul, Turkey
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arsyad Sobby Kesuma., Lc., M.Ag. : Senior Lecturer in
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Malik Ghozali., Lc., MA : Senior Lecturer in Universitas
Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia - Assoc. Prof.Dr. Ismail Suardi Wekke : IAIN Sorong, Papua Barat indonesia